So are some of the lamps that you can find in "Mix & Remix with Carlos Diez Diez."
As the focus of Parisian theater, rescued from a small stage, has been restored to its original function.
has plates which house the filters and has a device that moves the bulb to increase or decrease the beam.
has a price of 680 € SOLD.
Great industrial focus perfectly polished, the thin but solid base finished in helix enhances the great luminary that turns on itself, as well as up and down.
is adjustable in height and can reach over two meters.
has a price of 650 € SOLD.

Mix & Remix with Carlos Diez Diez. Shop
Carlos Diez Diez.
C / Loreto y Chicote n ยบ 4 - ground floor - 28004 Madrid
Email: mix.diezdiez @
Monday to Saturday: 11.00 - 14.00 and 17.00 to 20.30
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