had a time where the lights were small pieces that simulated inanimate beings very animated prehistoric creatures out of scale insects. This time
is back.
good example of these is the first of the characters in this update , lamp made from antique pieces create the skeleton that ends in significant screen the 50 `s, a rare blend difficult to find.
Your Price € 550 SOLD
The chair is the traditional seat TOLIX seat outdoor terraces of Paris rescued for classrooms or offices today.
The herself Anna Wintour have one in your office vogue.
Its € 375 price.
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Great flexo
dentist well enough to spotlight and completely free thanks to the great freedom of movement thereof.
foot blade and is fitted with wheels at each of its blades. The chromed steel lamp has been polished and is clearly the signs of cleaning, equipping turn a lot of visual strength.
It costs € 575.
lamps One trend is more charismatic JIELDE this fashion survivor still relevant today and now can find new copies in Italian designer shops but what are the most sought after antique pieces, such characteristics of the 50 `s.
is the case with this great JIELDE 4-arm his dome / display only supports French screw bulbs (such bulbs found no problem.)
It costs € 680 SOLD
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Piezon industrial basic for any lover of this style, putting on his car home a lighthouse out of context.
Piezon industrial basic for any lover of this style, putting on his car home a lighthouse out of context.
is the case with this piece together with a cross base with wheels. The focus on issue is the house Marhsall.
It costs € 480 SOLD
Carlos Diez Diez.
C / Loreto y Chicote 4 - ground floor -
28004 Madrid.
Tlf. 915239491 to 610970049 Juan Lizana.
Email: @ gmail.com mix.diezdiez
Saturday: 11.00 - 14.00 and 17.00 - 20.30
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