Monday, April 20, 2009

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LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Did Rosa Díez TVE vetoed? Why

back tomorrow a English TV program I have a question for you. Leaders attending IU, CiU and ERC. The PNV has rejected an invitation to attend. In my capacity as a citizen questioned the criteria used by the public body and that Rosa Díez has not been invited to have their votes political party Esquerra and the same as the PNV. Polls in recent months put a UPyD as third or fourth political force in number of votes, in fact, the last CIS Barometer published in January put a Rosa Díez as the second most valued political leader only 12 cents of the Prime Minister . With this information I hope you understand my doubts about the chosen patterns by RTVE to choose the guests who attend this program. Sergio López
Sardinero. Madrid.

Thanks for sending this letter to the newspaper the World, and thus obtained make it possible to this goal that we all have, among all make it.


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