everyday objects from a time have a resurrection became decorative pieces of high power and aesthetic.
is the case with this old German traffic lights, cleaned to remove its noble material, has joined a height adjustable tripod, the same source also has mobility up and down.
Your price: 750 €
The passage of years has this red subsided in his day was wonderful batch of letters from old signage in several sizes.
Hover sizes from 45cm to 65cm.
Its price: 55 € each letter.
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color back to our fetish with this gym locker 70's with four bodies, very robust in its being and Visually time is very light thanks to its blue.
It measures: 125 x 50 x 190cm.
It costs € 580
And the same color appears this ceiling lamp industrial classic form.
Your size: 50cm diameter. x 40 cm. high.
Several units available at 150 € each. SOLD.
already said more than 30 years ago and it seems that Prouvé forget, but who dares with the long arm wall lighting hit a passing trend absolute as years go by.
mobility has both his arm from left to right as its focus on its axis.
Your price 450 €
Another piece slightly smaller but just as beautiful as the first is this focus telescopic tripod has a maximum height 125cm.
Your price: 380 €
Shop Carlos Diez Diez
C / Loreto y Chicote n º 4-floor-
28004 Madrid
Tel 91.523.94.91 - 610.97.00.49 Juan Lizana.
Email: mix.diezdiez @ gmail.com
Monday to Saturday: 11.00 to 14.00 and 17.00 to 20.30