Something has changed and now when we sit across a theme of chairs and stools for use and enjoyment of all those people who want something different, but that does not leave indifferent.
stool / chair seat industrial iron plate and a tubular blank which is correct over time.
The chair of the 30 `s is height adjustable and gives a great look gloomy and dramatic.
Your Price € 380 SOLD.

curves sinuantes ancient and almost rhythmic combined with the fabric of the future, the immediate future, more specifically the Spring-Summer 2010 Carlos Diez Diez.
seat with a touch jungle to embrace in its 50-year difference of their materials.
Extremely comfortable, potently nostalgic trend.
Your price: € 450 SOLD.


remote locations where the importance of design is void but accidentally have large treasures rescued breaking in to our day to day.
Mix & Remix with
Carlos Diez Diez Carlos Diez Diez Shop
C / Loreto y Chicote No. 4 - Ground Floor -
Cp.28004 Madrid Tel 915239491-610970049
Email: mix.diezdiez @ gmail.com
a Sabados: 11:00 a 14:00 y 17:00 a 20:30